Where BIO is in it, if it says on it

Kreativ Catering & Bio Hof Schröder work together

The issues of sustainability, healthy nutrition, animal welfare and the ecological footprint have been our concern in food production for a long time. These topics are now in the public eye and are more and more popular with creative catering customers. After the organic certification was carried out in our kitchen in 2020, the cooperation with a regional company that focuses on organic agriculture and animal husbandry is the next logical step in the implementation of our sustainability concept. Last but not least, our new branch of the company, the “Master of Flavors” product line with the target group kindergartens, schools, businesses and retirement homes, places great emphasis on certified organic products. “Schröders Biohof”, which is run by Sandra Keller and Patrick Schröder with a lot of love for nature and animals, is only a few minutes away from the headquarters of Kreativ Catering. In 2017, the couple converted their farm, which had existed since the 1960s, to organic farming. The triggers for the switch to organic were the nature conservation meadows in the farm and, last but not least, the birth of their son, who focused on the topic of healthy eating. The couple’s philosophy includes the manufacture of high-quality products with great attention to animal welfare. The first products of the joint collaboration can already be bought in the Schröder’s farm shop: Creative chef Vincezo Neri has cooked an organic beef goulash, an Italian bolognaise for children from organic beef and a chicken fricassee.

Photo: Vincenzo Neri (l.) with Patrick Schröder from Schröders Biohof at the Kreativ building.

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